William D Miller
William Miller leads the INCOSE FuSE initiative and has over fifty years of experience in the conceptualization and engineering of communications and information technologies, products, and services. Mr. Miller is an adjunct professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology, where he teaches graduate courses in systems engineering fundamentals, system architecture and design, and systems integration. He previously served as program technical director and chief systems engineer at Bell Laboratories with assignments as product manager and program manager at AT&T. Mr. Miller earned his M.S. and B.S. in electrical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a Life Member of the IEEE and SMCS, and Senior Member of INCOSE where he is the former technical director (2013-2014) and currently is the editor-in-chief of INSIGHT practitioners’ magazine. He received the INCOSE Founders Award in 2017 for support to INCOSE that has enabled the organization to grow and evolve, driving a collaborative culture of engagement, one of working together in pursuit of INCOSE’s greater mission, constantly working as both an ambassador and a connector for both the profession and the organization.
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