The National Defence Strategy directs Defence to deliver key capability effects via an integrated joint force drawn from across military domains to support a military strategy of denial. In response, Defence is using mission engineering as the underpinning method to conduct deliberate top-down force design. This approach better links military objectives to the definition and development of contributing capability systems. Importantly, this methodology assists in achieving traceability of strategic direction through to project delivery and engagement with industry.
Defence recognises that the Australian Defence Force (ADF) must create warfighting advantage through enhanced data integration given the increasingly interconnected battlespace and the technologies that enable it. In order to develop this interconnected joint force Defence is using mission engineering practices to create design advantage by developing the systems of systems architecture required to achieve an integrated force by design. This structured approach assists Defence to understand the health of its warfighting capabilities through tracking the gaps and opportunities at a force level that may lead to changes in investment and/or prioritisation of resources. This presentation will provide insight into how Defence is applying mission engineering to enhance capability delivery including joint force test and evaluation.
The complexity of this design challenge necessitates not only better design methods but also more advanced design enablers such as digital modelling. This presentation will explain how Defence is using mission engineering, partnered with digital engineering, to accelerate the achievement of an integrated force through capability system-level design and development efforts across a range of engineering areas including: requirements definition, design trade-off analyses, test and evaluation, innovation and research and development.