Presentation Systems Engineering Test & Evaluation Conference 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Standards but where too afraid to ask (21288)

Thomas Manley 1 2 , Ray Hentzschel 3
  1. Decision Analysis Services (DAS) Australia, Fed Gov Lead / Systems Engineering Advisor, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  2. SESA, Technical Director, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  3. Nova Systems, Technical Authority, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Systems Engineering standards largely began with MIL-STD-622 in 1969, evolving eventually into both IEEE 1220 Application and management of the SE process (1999) and EIA-632 Processes for Engineering a System (1999). In 2002, ISO/IEC 15288 System Life Cycle Processes effectively became the new defacto SE standard, with the backing of the relatively recently formed INCOSE.


15288 has continued to evolve through substantial updates and revisions in 2008, 2015 and most recently, 2023, however, what is less well appreciated is just how much of an explosion in SE-related standards have emerged over the recent years. So much so that 15288 has become the 'One Ring To Rule Them All', with harmonisation of standards.


This presentation will:

• explore Standards Australia and International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) role in developing standards;

• provide insight into the evolution of SE standards through time; and

• highlight some of the recent developments of SE-related standards (including the explosion in harmonised standards that should be of interest to systems engineers).