Presentation Accepted Systems Engineering Test & Evaluation Conference 2024

International Test & Evaluation Association - Information Session    (21172)

Tim Grabert 1 2 , Malcolm Tutty 3 4 , Robert (Bill) Bunton 4 , Peter Nikoloff 1 4
  1. Nova Systems, Southbank, VIC, Australia
  2. ITEA, Melbourne
  3. RAAF, Canberra
  4. ITEA, Canberra

The committee of the Southern Cross Chapter of the International Test & Evaluation Association (ITEA) will provide an information session aimed at professionals who may be interested in learning about the benefits of joining this international association for T&E professionals. 

The agenda will include information on:

(1) Pathway to obtaining the Certified Test & Evaluation Professional (CTEP) credential for Australian professionals.

(2) The role the association plays for the international T&E community.

(3) Professional development, training and education opportunities offered by ITEA.

(4) Major international events and symposiums organised by ITEA.