Workshop on Round Tables.
The International Test & Evaluation Associations Southern Cross Chapter held a Panel/Workshop at the SETE 2022 and ITEA 40th Annual Symposiums focused on the potential and need for the development of an T&E Code of Practice to complement the SESA / INCOSE Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBOK) using a Model-Based Systems Engineering and T&E approach or MBSETE.
ITEA proposes to leverage INCOSE SEBOK material to underpin key principles. Based on these Panels/Workshops, ITEA have agreed to develop a T&E Code of Practice that would be suitable for many engineering and scientific disciplines including aerospace, cyber, modelling, simulation, Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, defence, network-enabled and autonomous weapons and future potentially disruptive technologies. Collaboration with SESA and INCOSE is strongly supported by ITEA.
The SETE 2024 workshop will discuss and confirm the over-arching principles of T&E which are being proposed in The ITEA Journal – International Test and Evaluation Association in June 2024. The workshop will also review The Technical Cooperation Programs (TTCP) Guide to Experimentation (GUIDEx, 2005) see Slim GUIDEx 2004 Dec 2004 ( and subsequent similar developments for suitability and applicability to the T&E and MBSETE communities advancing in the digital world.
60-90 Mins