Tutorial and Workshop
Defence has struggled with the challenges of adversaries with the increasing pervasiveness of lethal autonomous weapon systems. How should we address fully Lethal AWS and Network-Enabled Weapons, directed energy and cyber warfare become more attractive and where does human command and control of Lethal AWS and NEWs sit with responsible use of intelligent and autonomous systems? This Tutorial and Workshop examines the Australian perspective and the System of Controls, Advanced Control Directives and insights into the Kill Chain/Web being proposed to address the implications of Lethal AWS and NEWs for human decision making in their employment. Given the complex systems and key assurance initiatives being pursued systematically by the US, UK and Australian DoD initiatives to effect these more integrated, interoperable capabilities, while also ensuring these capabilities remain resilient to the new cyber threats using ethically-aligned approaches to experimentation, test & evaluation and employment. The Workshop participants will be challenged as to their thinking and will directly contribute to the discourse on what Australia’s beliefs and doctrine should be and how best to articulate that. Those who wish an update and to influence Australia's doctrine. Dr Tutty, who may be assisted by Associate Pro Kate Devitt. |